First Grade Curriculum
Grades 5 and 6


Before going to Schmuhl School, read the story Millions of Cats. All groups should memorize the following paragraph.

Cats here, cats there,
Cats and kittens everywhere,
Hundreds of cats,
Thousands of cats,
Millions and billions and trillions of cats.

Recitation bench - When they are at the bench, they will be reciting the paragraph.

Seatwork - Review paragraph. Then students will recopy the poem, changing the animal and its baby. Then illustrate their new story.

(Write words 3 times each on slate board or paper.)
where over these
mother spring school

(Copy on paper in your best handwriting.)

One thing at a time
And that done well,
Is a very good rule,
As many can tell.

(Copy problems on slate board or paper. Then solve.)
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 Spelling Bee
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