Third Grade Curriculum
Grades 7 and 8


Before you go to Schmuhl School, read Chapter 1-4 in Mr. Popper’s Penguins.

Discuss what makes a narrative story. Mr. Popper’s Penguins is a narrative because it describes the events caused by the arrival of Captain Cook. It is told in third person. You can also tell a story by third person. Have students decide what type of view they want to use to write a narrative story. Students will describe Captain Cook’s journey from Antarctica to Stillwater. Use the following questions as a guide.

  • What is Captain Cook’s mode of transportation?
  • How long does his journey take?
  • How does he feel on the different parts of his journey?
  • Are there any problems on the trip?

Recitation bench – Students will read the last few pages of chapter 4. Teacher will evaluate fluency.

Seatwork - The students will begin writing the narrative story.

(Write words 3 times each on slate board or paper.)
heard important different example
himself against asked half
country brought I'm American

(Copy on paper in your best handwriting.)

Beautiful lips are those whose words
Leap from the heart like songs of birds.
Beautiful hands are those that do
Work that is earnest, brave, and true.

(Copy problems on slate board or paper. Then solve.)
Write a story problem.
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 Spelling Bee
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